martes, 26 de noviembre de 2013 1 comentarios


                                                   Roberto Carlos Álvarez Méndez


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reseña de la pelicula aprendices fuera de linea

 Uos vendedores cuyas carreras han venido a menos con el advenimiento del mundo digital. En un intento por probar que no son obsoletos, desafían las probabilidades cuando apelan a sus habilidades verbales para obtener una codiciada pasantía en Google, al lado de un brillante batallón de estudiantes universitarios.

Pero, ser aceptados a esta utopía, es solo la mitad de la batalla. Ahora, deberán competir contra un selecto grupo de genios expertos en tecnología del país para demostrar que la necesidad es la madre de la reinvención.

Los dos amigos han pasado sus vidas perfeccionando el arte de cerrar tratos, solo para saberse despedidos. Productos de una generación que creía que si trabajabas duro y seguías las reglas era más que suficiente para que se cumpliera la promesa del Sueño Americano. Billy y Nick ya pasaron su fecha de caducidad. O, al menos, así parece.

Desanimados, pero no derrotados, descubren que en esta nueva época el secreto para conseguir el éxito estriba en la búsqueda. Un buscador, para ser exactos, llamado Google —un lugar donde los sueños se convierten en realidad.

Para obtener acceso a este mundo, Billy y Nick apelan a su superioridad en el arte de vender para reinventarse como pasantes (o, como se dice en habla Google, Noogleros). Rodeados por genios con la mitad de su edad, estos dos maestros de la persuasión deberán encontrar una manera de zanjar la división generacional o arriesgarse a perder la oportunidad de ir de Nooglero a Googlero (un empleado de tiempo completo en Google). Billy, Nick, y sus jóvenes compañeros de equipo descubren que la victoria se encuentra en la lección de vida; en algunas ocasiones ganar no se trata de llegar primero, y de que siempre han tenido Googlura —el deseo de seguir buscando.
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cognates and false cognates

In historical linguistics, called cognates or doublets to those terms with the same etymological origin, but with different phonetic evolution. The word derives from the Latin cognatus, from co-(with) and-Gnatus, natus, past participle of the Latin verb NASCI "born". Its literal translation would be consanguineous, with a common ancestor, or related by nature, feature or function análoga.1

For example, encyclopaedia (from the English translation) is a cognate of encyclopaedia (in Castilian). Sometimes can be written long series of cognate terms within the same family of languages​​. For example between Indo-European languages ​​have two sets of cognates.
example: car: carro
cup: Copa


                                                                    false cognate

A false cognate is a word that, due to fortuitous similarities in appearance and meaning, seems to keep relationship with another word of a different language, but they do not really share the same etymological origin (not true cognates) .1 2

The typical example is that of the English verb to have ('have', 'be') and the like Spanish verb have, which, despite its seemingly obvious similarities, actually come from very different roots protoindoeuropeas: To Have is from the English of * kap-('grab'), and in fact is related to our word capture, though not enough, while our belt comes from the root * ghabh protoindoeuropea ('give'), and although neither seems, is related to the English to give ('give').
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pag:3 act:3A



  1. My name is David Garza. I'm from Mexico. My family is Mexico city. My brother is a university student. His name is Carlos.
  2. My name is Sun Hee Park. I'm 20 years old. My sister is a student here, too our parents are in Korea right now.
  3. I'm Elizabeth, but everyone calls me Beth. My last name is Silva. I am a student at City College. My partents are on vacation this week. They are in Los Ángeles.
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mi personaje favorito

Son of bilingual secretary Elsa Bolaños Cacho and painter , cartoonist and illustrator Francisco Gómez Linares3 studied engineering at the National Autonomous University of Mexico , but never graduated .
He married since 2004 Florinda Meza who played Doña Florinda in El Chavo del Ocho , after a long relationship amorosa.4 Gómez Bolaños married in the first instance with Graciela Fernández , who bore six children.5
He began his career as an advertising creative , which connected him with the radio and television, which was during the 1950s , an active writer . Also made ​​several film scripts for duo Chip and fleetingly Capulina and began acting with them two servants spoiled in 1960. However, he continued to devote most of his time to writing , contributing dialogue for scripts of films and Mexican television.
His professional name, Chespirito , the film director must Augustine P. Delgado , derived from the diminutive of the more Spanish pronunciation of the name William Shakespeare, because Gómez Bolaños 's stature and talent to write stories that resembled those of Shakespeare.

Between 1960 and 1965 , he wrote scripts for two top-rated shows in Mexican TV : Comics and songs as well as study of Pedro Vargas, the Mexican chain telesistema.

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ROBERTO: Hi, good morning

ROMAN: good morning

OSCAR: good morning

ANDRES: good morning

ROBERTO: how are you?

ROMAN: good

OSCAR: fine

ANDRES: fine thanks

OSCAR: do you study

ROMAN : yes i am

ROBERTO: yes i am

ANDRES: yes i am

ANDRES: what is you phone number roman?

ROMAN : my phonenumber is 00657

ANDRES: and you phone number oscar?

OSCAR: my phone number is 00567

ROBERTO: oh very good would like a coffe?

ROMAN: yes, for talk the university

OSCAR: let's go!